[公司动态] 如何防止CVT变速箱过热?
CVT的热量来源1、液力变矩器在泵轮和涡轮形成耦合以前,转速差比较大,变速箱油的动能该变成热能,这是CVT..[公司动态] 都说CVT变速箱冷保护,到底温度多低会保护?
CVT变速箱的确存在冷保护现象,温度越低,冷保护现象越明显!总体来说,CVT变速箱的冷保护一般分两个阶段..[公司动态] 自动挡汽车维修保养小知识
由于自动档汽车的电子元件是比较复杂的,所以在维修保养时也比较困难和麻烦,下面小编在这里介绍自动档汽..[公司动态] 变速箱油能不能乱加
今天我们就一起来讨论一下,变速箱油加错了会怎么样。不同年份不同车型可能使用多款自动变速箱,同品牌不..[公司动态] 变速箱油能混用吗?
在汽车保养中,更换油液是非常重要的一项,其中就包括变速箱油的更换。变速箱油的作用在于润滑、降温和传..[公司动态] 变速箱在发动机动力传递过程中起到好作用
变速箱对汽车动力影响的直接点就是变速箱传动比对动力的影响,那么变速箱在发动机动力传递过程中所起到的..[公司动态] 桂林博越汽车服务有限公司
车子变速箱常见的故障有打滑,漏油,冲击,加速无力等。变速箱里面零配件也有很多如变扭器 行星齿轮等,下..我们知道,自动变速箱是个非常复杂精密的仪器,它的作用是把发动机的动力传递到车辆的行驶系统上。那么变速箱油到底是干嘛的呢?下面来讲讲。
As we know, automatic transmission is a very complex and precise instrument. Its function is to transmit the power of the engine to the driving system of the vehicle. So what is the transmission oil for? Now let's talk about it.
Transmit power.
In order to transmit power, the transmission oil must have anti foaming property, that is, the ability to resist the formation of foam. In the process of transmitting power, liquid is highly efficient because it cannot be compressed. However, if air is mixed into the liquid and stirred continuously by the hydraulic torque converter, foam will be produced, significantly reducing the efficiency of power transmission.
Behind the hydraulic torque converter is the colorful and complicated mechanical structure of the gearbox. These mechanical structures are also composed of gears, friction plates, etc. like other machines, these mechanical structures that contact each other to transmit power also need lubrication and heat dissipation.
Lubrication and heat dissipation.
Compared with engine oil, the performance requirements of transmission oil are more complex, because engine oil does not play the role of transmitting power. Because of the continuous development of transmission technology, in order to meet its requirements, the performance requirements of transmission oil are also improving, and the relevant manufacturing standards are becoming more and more complex.
Manufacturers pay more and more attention to transmission oil, also because it is the basic element to ensure the normal operation of transmission assembly. Because the performance of gearboxes varies greatly, the performance demands of different models of gearboxes also vary greatly. The transmission oil is the carrier for the transmission to perform the shift action, dissipate heat and lubricate the gears, so it naturally has to bear many tests.
For example, when an automatic transmission wants to shift gears, the control computer sends a **, and the valve body is responsible for the implementation. The power source of the valve body is the hydraulic pressure transmitted by the transmission oil. We know that the size of the liquid pressure is closely related to the viscosity of the liquid. If the viscosity changes greatly, the matching and calculation made in the design stage will all fail.
This is also the reason why gearboxes that have been used for a long time will have gear shifting setbacks, and the situation will be significantly improved after changing Jinan gearbox oil - before changing the oil, the viscosity of the old oil can no longer be compared with that of the new oil; After oil change, it will return to the ideal state at the time of design.